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ezViz Office 1.9.1

ezViz Office ezViz Office 1.9.1

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ezViz Office Publisher's Description

ezViz Office software provides business users the ability to create stunning graphs from excel data or cloud data in seconds. ezViz's 'one-click Viz' feature lets users connect to data from their essential Software as a Service (SaaS) providers like: Google Analytics, and Live2Support. Users can query their data using interactive visualizations to garner insights. Users can collaborate their findings by exporting hi-res images of scatterplots, heatmaps. treemaps, and bar graphs to mainstream applications like excel, word, powerpoint and outlook. Excel data can be real-time, static or a combination of the two. Create interactive dashboards and drill into areas of your data that reveal outliers, patterns or new trends. Visualization software allows users to understand large amounts of data quickly. Without relying on IT support or data administrators, business users can take charge of their data by being connected and ad hoc querying their spreadsheets for instant insights.

What's New in Version 1.9.1 of ezViz Office

added new visualizations: dataGrid, mapPlot
updated filter controls
new data connectors: Google Analytics, Live2Support,
send twitter feature

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